Thursday, May 10, 2012

April 25 - 10 May 2012

I am struggling to get my last two blogs out. Miles brought us a new computer,and the blogspot has a different format. I can’t get the pictures where I want them to go. I hope I can figure it out soon because it’s frustrating! Last time I wrote I left off where we arrived in Samoa for our Mission Presidents Seminar.

On Wednesday, we started our training at 8:00 am. President Hamula spoke first.They talked to us about having greater faith; Faith not just to serve but to succeed. We need to change from man’s way to God’s way. We need to have greater faith in the Holy Ghost. We need to create conditions where he can come. Faith is the key. We, as Presidents and wives, need to get out in the field, showing instead of just telling.

Elder Zwick and his wife came to be with us. He is a member of the First Quorum of Seventy and Assistant Executive Director of the Missionary Department. His wife spoke about the fact that were nurtured our entire lives for this calling. We should not limit ourselves to our own capacity. The Lord will direct our paths.

Elder Zwick spoke about Real Growth inthe Church. He said that we need to raise the bar of the message and the messenger. We need to get members engaged in the work. If the missionary steps up then the member steps up, the convert steps-up and gives referrals. He said to simplify and intensify. If we are ready, revelations will come. We really enjoyed their teaching.

Elder Pearson, one of the counselors tothe area President, taught next. He said there is an urgency to take things up a notch. What is our vision, do our missionaries know it? Faith to succeed is the faith to change. We need to lift our Mission. The level of Discipleship is measured by our obedience, faith, and spiritual power.

Elder Watson, the other counselor in theArea Presidency, spoke about Repentance and Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost cleanses. The Hebrew word for repent is Shuba - to turn yourself around. In Ezekiel 33: 8, 9,11, and 15 we read that we need to turn away and go the right way and walk towards God. As the investigator changes his heart and his behavior then true repentance can take place. A missionary has to teach repentance. That means that a missionary must practice itand know the principle before he can effectively teach it himself.

Elder Hamula then spoke about Hope. Hope moves a person; despair stops a person. We need to move people to act. Inspired questions are keys to teaching. Listen and watch your investigators. Something they say will high light something to teach. Teach simply and clearly.

Elder Pearson taught about Presidentsand wives being the lead trainers. They teach by demonstration. Inspiration requires information. Inspect what we expect. This is the training ground for later years of our future leaders - our Missionaries.

Elder Zwick said a leader is a trusted disciple dEcalled to declare his word, so that those they teach might have everlasting life. Pray for sensitivity. Talk with everyone as opposed talking to someone.“You get what you go for.”

Elder Watson said that the Priesthood has power over the adversary. Counsel and teach “What would the First Presidency or Jesus do?” The Prophet is the mouth piece of the Lord. Feed, inspire, and save the flock.

We all went to a dinner that night at the church. Some of the members cooked the food for us. We then went to another room where the members performed native dances for us. They were all great and so friendly.

We had a chance to meet with the Sisters and Presidents separately. We were able to share ideas and hear Sisters Zwick, Hamula, Pearson, and Watson talk. They also gave us a lava-lava, a little nativity and a Kava bowl with the date of our conference carved on it. Yes, they do spoil us! That evening we ate at the Hotel.

The next day we left early in the morning to go to the Samoa Temple. It was beautiful and the workers were so sweet. We all went on the same session which was special.

After that we went to a place called Sinuatua “A gathering place for the members.” It took about an hour and a half to get there. It was so pretty there. They had a school, a welfare farm,homes and a church. The members there gave us lunch and sang for us. We went to the church and had a little presentation. On the bus, was a member who was white who had married a Samoan lady. He told us some of the customs and lifestyle ofthe people. They were all so friendly and sweet to us. We were able to meet Elder Vaaulu's parents who are in Samoa. It was great to talk to them and to see how much Elder Vaaulu looks like his Dad.
Three of the Mission Presidents and wifes will have finished their calls and will be going home in July. We will miss them, they are all such wonderful couples, we hope to get together when we go home.
We went to the airport around 11:00 pmfor our flight at 1:50 in the morning. We all went to New Zealand, as that was the quickest way that we couldget back to Majuro. That was about athree and a half hour flight. We thenhad a five hour layover. We then flew toHawaii, a nine hour flight! We werethere for Saturday and Sunday. We wentto church and saw Sister Fanga and Sister Anterea (returned missionaries fromthe Marshall Islands). Sister Antereahad come in on a boat that she works on and was staying with Sister Fanga untilTuesday. Then she would go back toChristmas Island. They are both doingwell it was so great to see them.

We had a new missionary come to Majuro on Thursday. Elder Samoa form Samoa. He has the greatest smile and was excited to be here. We welcome him.

On Friday evening we had six baptisms. It was a combined one as the Rita and Jenrock chapel has not been completed so they combined with Uliga and Delap.

We left on Monday morning and arrived inMajuro on Tuesday morning! It was goodto be back in time to get ready for our Mission Tour with Elder & Sister Watson. They arrived on Saturday morning. We took them for a little tour to the Lauraend. We had dinner that evening in themission home with them and the stake presidency and wives. After that we had a Stake/Ward CouncilTraining meeting. The Watson’s bothtalked and President Zedhkeia. It was agreat meeting.

The next day was Sunday and we went totwo different sacrament meetings, the Long Island ward and the Jenrokward. We also went to visit some membersin their homes afterwards. It was a longbut great day. That evening we had a fireside for the stake. The Watson’s talked and we bore ourtestimonies. It was great and the churchwas packed.

On Monday, we had a zoneconference. The Watson’s, Tom and Ispoke. Elder Watson trained on God isour eHeavenly Father, and SisterWatson taught about the Articles of Faith. They were both great trainings. Tom and I gave short trainings. Italked about Role Playing and he talked about how we can become Disciples ofChrist. That evening we had a dinnerwith the senior couples. It was a great dinner and then we sat downtogether and we were able to ask Elder Watson some questions. It was great to hear of some of his experiences. He was one busy man. Through all of hiscallings his wife raised a family of twelve children! Elder Watson played the piano and SistersWatson and Badger sang.

The next day we left in the morning togo to Ebeye. We were able to have afireside that evening with the members. Before the fireside we ate dinner at the restaurant with the District,Branch Presidencies and wives.

On Wednesday, Sister Morgan fixed us breakfast which was so nice of her and then we had a zone conference. The same topics were taught there as were taught in Majuro. We had lunch with the Missionaries at the restaurant. Those missionaries sure love to eat! Then we tried to make some visits. We went to see Winnie, a member whose family had just gone to the Temple in February. Her husband had given his testimony at the fireside the night before,but she was sick and was not able to be there. After we visited she told us that she had felt so bad that she was notable to go to the fireside and meet the Watson’s. She told us that she had prayed that morning thatshe might meet them. The counselor in the Stake Presidency had decided that we should go and see her, not knowinganything about her prayer. You can imagine how happy she was to see them; just one of the tender mercies of the Lord.

We then returned to Kwajalein by speedboat to wait for our flight back to Majuro. We arrived last night and theWatson’s continued on to Hawaii. We so enjoyed spending time with them and being taught by them.

Happy Anniversary to Dad and Jeanne! It was their twenty first. We love you both so much.

Also, Ethan was baptized on the fifth of May. We want him to know how proud we are of him and how much we missed being there. You are such a special grandson and we love you so much. We know that you will continue to choose the right.

Tomorrow, the tenth, is Bryant’s Birthday, he turns two. We love you buddy and we will be thinking about you. He is the youngest grandchild until October when Kellie and Paul will have another baby. He was two months old when we left home so he has changed a lot since we left for our mission.

We love all of you and we can’t believe that it is May! This year seems to be whizzing by! We love to serve and we love our Missionaries, they are amazing! Love Mom & Dad / Nana & Papa / President & Sister Shaw

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