July 22, 2010 Marshall Island Majuro Mission Update Wow our first blog entry in the Marshall Islands! We have been here a week and a day. As we flew to Majuro when we got close we took some pictures of the Islands. The view from the air was incredible. The Island looked very skinny as we had been told. Then it was time to land and everyone had told us that it would be scary. Actually it was a very smooth landing on concrete just like our runways but shorter. We were told that we would be landing in a field and I took that literally! They brought stairs out so we could get out. Over by the fence we saw two Elders waving,

which was a great sight. No one besides the passengers could be where the luggage was delivered. It had one little metal slab which they set the luggage on. There were many coolers and boxes, not to many suitcases. Then we entered the tiny airport and began to sweat! We were greeted by

Pres. Hopoate his wife

, Sister Teichert and the two AP’S, Elder Mackey and Elder Lasky. We were given hugs and

beautiful shell necklaces tha

t the Natives make here. We were then taken to our apartment which is wonderful and cool! There is a new Mission Home being finished, and it is supposed to be finished in A

ug. However the whole home was supposed to be finished in April, so we won’t hold our breath! It is larger and will enable us to use it for firesides and Mission meetings. It also has another bedroom and bathroom, so that we can have quests stay. The Hopoates took us to a restaurant for lunch. We had nachos and enchilada, so rice and chicken, and fish are not the only things we can eat. The Senior Missionaries on Majuro were going to cook for us, but were told that the power was going to be out, which never did happen. Then for dinner they took us for Japanese food which was good. When we were in Spain we had a Chinese place that we loved and went to a lot. I’m sure we will get our favorites here to; we just won’t have as big of selection to choose from. Yes we are babied! The next day we were at the Mission office which is close to our home. We received more training from the Hopoates. Two Missionaries Sister Cumming’s and Elder Gilbert came to the office because they had finished their Mission’s and were leaving that day as well as the Hopoates. So now we are on our own scary! Thank heavens for the AP’S and the office Elder’s who are training us each day. The office Elder’s are Elder Dew and Elder Gulbransen. Sister Teichert the nurse is also in the office, as she has other duties besides being the nurse. Tom of course has a separate room for his office. There is also another room where the AP’S can work in that has two computers and the ham radios to reach Missionaries on some of the outer islands. The next day the AP’S took us to visit some of the Missionaries who are serving here in Majuro. We went to Ajettake and two Laura. We introduced ourselves and had them tell us about themselves, and bear their testimonies. They were all super Missionaries and happy to be serving. We also went to a man’s house that had ten daughters! He is older and many of them are married. A granddaughter was out washing clothes with a baby in a tub next to her. We wanted to take some pictures and soon there were more children who wanted to be in the picture. The children are beautiful and very friendly. The next day was Sunday and so we went to Church where almost all were speaking Marsillese. We were given ear phones so that the Elder’s assigned to translate could tell us what was said in English. The Bishop asked us to sit in the front. We then went to Sunday school. We had an interpreter there as well. The building does have air conditioning but it was off because they have already spent their allotment of power for the whole year! It being left on all day and night for many months. We then had Priesthood and Relief Society. I did not understand anything there but it was fun to hear them talk. Afterword’s we met with some Elders in the Long Island area. We really do have some super Elder’s and Sister’s. Monday Sister Teichert took me around the Island to show me where things were. I wanted to get a fan so that I could use it when I needed it. There are cheaper shops here as there were in Spain, much to Tom’s dismay! We were invited that evening to go to the Davidson’s who are the CES and humanitarian couple. Unfortunately Tom had not been feeling well so he did not go. They live in Rita, in a home right next to the lagoon. They had a huge patio where we ate and had a little Home Evening. It was so beautiful to sit and look out to the ocean and see the lights of the boats. I was mad that I hadn’t taken the camera with me, but next time we go there we will. Tues. we went to Delap and Rita to meet the Missionaries in those areas. This was another great group of Missionaries who were excited to be doing the work. Later that day we had a webcam with some Elders in Kiribati which is in the Gilbert Islands. The picture wasn’t working to good but we were able to talk to each one of them. Thursday we had a Webcam with five new Elder’s who just arrived in Kiribati. They had only been there for two hours. We wish that they could come to the Mission home first but it is too costly. They seemed excited to be there and are ready for a big adventure. The Webcam worked quite well this time and we could see all of them which was great. We have been grocery shopping a couple of times. They have a smaller store called Payless, which isn’t really true! There is also a bigger Payless that we have been to once. We can get more things than we could in Spain, which was a pleasant surprise, but what isn’t pleasant is some of their prices! I just purchased a 5 gallon ice cream bucket and it was 15.00! The weather here is hot and humid but the Lord is blessing me because I can take it. Sometimes it will just rain lightly, but we had one day where it rained very hard and much longer, which is fine because that’s what the people drink is rain water. From the moment we got here we felt at home. The Lord blesses you in so many ways. We have so much to learn especially Tom, but line upon line it will come. The spirit really teaches you and you just have to be in tune and continually study. Next week we will be training the Zone and District leaders the new lessons we received during our training at the MTC. We love all of you for your love and support that you give to us. Especially our children and grandchildren have all been so great with such a short notice. Please feel of our prayers for all of you. We know the Lord will bless you because we received that blessing many times in our training. The Gospel is true and we will be spreading it to the Marshall Islands. We love you, Pres. and Sister Shaw Mom and Dad Nana and Papa. P.S. We have already had a few Webcams with family. How great it was to see you in person and to talk with you. It was so great. Hugs and kisses to all.
1 comment:
It was great to read your first posting. I look so forward to following your adventure in the Marshal Islands. Know that we all love and miss you.
Elder Clair Quilter
Service Missionary
West Valley
Employment Resourse Center
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